12 Weeks For A Fresh Start To Live The Life You Love

  • Understanding the concept of time as a precious and never guaranteed.
  • Life doesn’t follow a set plan, embrace the journey.
  • Is life balance an real thing?
  • Let go of anything that isn’t serving you.
  • The hardest thing can be losing someone we love, but the beauty is we know what love is.
  • Don’t Even kNow I Am Lying: Accepting help when you are trying to numb the pain.
  • You’re not your name badge.
  • Imposter Syndrome.
  • Give People the benefit of the doubt.
  • Finding gratitude in the smallest things.
  • Accepting Compliments.
  • Life is to be experienced, not feared.
  • What if everything works out right?
  • The past cannot hurt me anymore.
  • Decluttering your mind, decluttering your life.
  • We are one body, physically and psychologically, and spirituality.
  • Incorporating holistic wellness practices into daily life.
  • Rare disease or it’s all in your head.
  • H.O.P.E: What does this mean?
  • Coping with disappointment and setbacks.
  • Finding strength in surrender and acceptance.
  • Toxic thinking styles, and how to identify them.
  • Whatever you say you can or can’t do, your right.
  • Using the W.A.I.T. acronym for how you talk and how you think.
  • Overcoming fear and resistance to new experiences.
  • Stepping outside of comfort zones.
  • Cranky when criticized? Take things personally? It’s never about you.
  • Forgiveness for mental and emotional well-being.
  • Remember to H.A.L.T before reacting.
  • Am I moving towards my dreams?
  • Recognizing the importance of small wins.
  • Your purpose is not to be looked for, it’s already there.
  • Your biggest battel may be your biggest blessing.
  • Examining the stories, we tell ourselves about our lives.
  • Rewriting our life story from a place of empowerment.
  • Celebrating how for you’ve come.

12 Weeks For A Fresh Start $999

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